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Wet Dog Publications
Wet Dog Publications
Wet Dog Publications is a specialty publisher of military history books catering to the collector community. We publish only quality researched books and work with well respected authors, authorities in their field of expertise.
Our current catalog of offerings include the following book titles: Finnish Mosin Nagant, FN Browning Pistols, VIS Radom, The FN-49, Browning Auto-5 Shotguns, FN Mauser Rifles, Allied Rifle Contracts, Kongsberg Colten, and select import books.
See the books link for the entire catalog. All our publications are printed and manufactured in the USA from U.S. materials. Below is a little history on our small company and how the book projects come about...
Some history: Wet Dog Publications was founded in 1998, our first book The Belgian Browning Pistols was published shortly afterwards. This book was the foundation for the more expanded FN Browning Pistols - Sidearms that shaped World History that was first released in 2009 with second and third editions in 2013 and 2022. The book FN Browning Pistols is widely recognized as the ultimate reference on Browning pistols. The much expanded third edition of FN Browning Pistols is now available. The lack of accurate information on the Browning Auto 5 shotgun led to the collaboration of Anthony Vanderlinden and H.M. Shirley in 2003. The result was the book Browning Auto 5 Shotguns - The Belgian FN Production. A revised second edition was published in 2007, and a new all-color edition expanded edition is ready for 2025!
Another popular topic that was plagued with poor historical information was the FN 49 rifle. We worked with author Wayne Johnson and published The FN-49 The last Elegant Old-World Military Rifle. A second and much expanded edition is now available.
The year 2011 was a busy year with the release of VIS Radom - A Study and Photographic Album of Poland's Finest Pistol by William York and the collaboration between Luke Mercaldo, Adam Firestone and Anthony Vanderlinden produced the book Allied Rifle Contracts. Allied Rifle Contracts was a prelude to FN Mauser Rifles - Arming Belgium and the World where Vanderlinden and Mercaldo collaborated again.
In 2019 we started the journey with author and historian Matt DiRisio to produce the ultimate Finnish Mosin Nagant book. The project soon expanded to include many small arms used in Finland. Finnish Mosin Nagant - Three Line Rifle to Ucco Pecca is now available.
Wet Dog Publications strives to become a one-stop source for historical information. Our award winning books are often considered a must-have for serious collectors and historians. We also carry select import books and quality works published by others like Kongsberg Colten by Karl Hanevik, and the book Figments of Ocracoke by our friend Chester Lynn.
We also offer conservation products for collectible accessories. We continue to provide conservation expertise and consulting to museums as well as individual collectors.
September 21, 2024- We have a new URL!
The old name was eliminated, so please bookmark our new web address: www.wetdogbooks.com
Browning Auto 5 Shotguns, the Belgian FN Production
Expanded 2024, all-color, Third Edition
The new, and much expanded all-color, third edition of Browning Auto 5 Shotguns is now in production and will be available late in January 2025. This new edition has almost 100 extra pages, with extensive expansions in content in history, biographies, engraving, and more. Click on the photo for more information.
Book Finnish Mosin - Nagant, Three Line Rifle to Ukko Pekka
Now Available!
The new Finnish Mosin Nagant book is treasure trove for both Mosin-Nagant collectors as well as Finnish collectors. Finally Mosin Nagant collectors will have a scholarly researched reference book to aid them understand the many variances and nuances of this complex subject. Click on the photo for more information.
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More than 25 Years of Wet Dog Publications!
We celebrated our 25th anniversary. Hard to believe that we managed to ride the publishing roller coaster for that long. Long Live Paper!

Our books are always 100% printed in the USA on U.S. paper with U.S. inks and cover materials.