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Charles Wagner - Collector Biography

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Charles P. Wagner


When Charles (Charlie) Wagner was 14 years old in 1953, he purchased a 25 cent raffle ticket at a school festival. That lucky ticket won him his first gun and, as he proudly carried that rifle home, he knew that it was the beginning of a lifelong passion.  He proceeded to collect guns for almost 70 years, amassing a world class collection of over 200 FN High Powers, including excellent examples of "le Grand Rendement" pistols, prewar and wartime FN High Powers, and over 30 types of country contract pistols from all eras.  While handguns were his primary focus, he also acquired excellent examples of World War II holsters and accessories.  His High Power collection includes over 100 holsters, over 20 shoulder stocks, and other accessories such as magazines and tools.  

Charlie didn’t just collect, he loved learning and researching about the history of his firearms.  His drive to learn everything there is to know about his firearms pushed him to become one of the most knowledgeable people in the country on the FN High Power.  He served as President of the Browning Collector’s Association from 2011-2019, and attended gun shows all over the country with his FN High Power display winning numerous awards.

His family has kept some of his pieces as a part of his legacy but, given the enormity of the collection, they are parting with most of his outstanding High Power collection and other World War II era guns and accessories. Charlie would be happy to know that many of his favorite pieces will find their way back into the collecting community.


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Note: Wet Dog Publications will only be selling the accessories and books of Charlie's collection. The HPs and all licensed items will be sold by dealers and auction houses of the family's choosing.  We have no information about the disposition of those pieces.  The accessories are listed on our Collectibles page

Wet Dog Publications

5603-B West Friendly Avenue - Suite 166
Greensboro, NC 27410


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